To the citizens of Madawaska
The Madawaska Public Library Board of Trustees is a Governing Board which is one that has the final authority and responsibility for the Library and its services. The governing board has both legal and fiduciary responsibilities and is directly accountable to the public.
The core responsibilities of the governing board are:
Determine the mission of the Library
Establish the vision and strategic direction
Monitoring the library’s work
Assuring legal and bylaws compliance
Setting policy
Overseeing the Library’s finances and protecting its assets
Community relations and advocacy
Selecting, supporting and evaluating the director
Building the competency of the board
Examples of what the Board has accomplished this past year: -
Taking advantage of Efficiency Maine Programs by updating lighting and heating / cooling systems
Operating a used bookstore to maximum capacity
Hosting book signings and book readings
Working toward repairing drainage on the front of the Library building
The Library Board continues to address deferred maintenance issues as they arise.
The Library Board expresses appreciation to the Librarian, Ken Theriault, Jr. for his 19 years of dedication and expertise in the daily operation of our Library. The Town of Madawaska has been blessed with dedicated employees, tremendous volunteers, citizens who care about their Public Library and hold the belief that library programs are vital to the quality of life that we experience in Madawaska. This is all possible with the support that we receive from the community, Town Manager and Board of Selectmen.
Respectfully Submitted,
Library Board of Trustees.